Saturday, July 30, 2011

One week and counting until vacation!!!

I cannot wait. Even though we are just staying in Michigan and it will only be a few days, I am so excited to be leaving the house and going SOMEWHERE ELSE. We are headed West, to a town on Lake Michigan called Ludington. In the 9 years that we've lived here (crap! has it been that long???) I have never seen any of the Great Lakes, not even when flying over them. Everyone here tells me that I'll never know it's not the ocean. But I think they're just saying that to make me feel better about not being in Hawaii. Suck ups.

We bought one of those hard sided roof cargo carriers, the kind that looks like it's from Star Trek and probably how Spock was laid to rest somewhere deep in the universe. I suggested putting the kids in it for the drive up and I think Phil considered it for a split second.

We're going to stay at a Holiday Inn Express, which excites me to no end because now I can legitimately say "No, I'm not a brain surgeon but I DID stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night." Suh-weet!! We're driving up Saturday morning and coming home Tuesday afternoon. Short but I'm sure we'll have a blast. We plan on hanging out at the "beach" for a good part of the weekend. The kids have their buckets and shovels ready to go for sand castle making.

It will do us good as a family to be together exploring new places.

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