Wow, I completely forgot that I even had started this blog LOL. My last post was in 2007. So I guess much has happened since then...but we haven't added any more kids to the family so don't even go there.
Phil is still flying the regional jets. He pretty much feels he is stuck there forever now. He's been flying without a contract OR a pay raise for 6 years now. His company is despicable. They are evil, selfish bastards.
I got a part-time job in April. I'm working for my friend, Molly, at her awesome store, The Little Seedling. It's this fabulous store full of amazing baby & Mama products...cloth diapers, strollers, car seats, etc...I know nothing about cloth diapers so I am in the back doing all of the internet order shipping. I love it. During the school year, I go in after I drop off Zoe (right around 8:30) and stay for however long it takes to get everything pulled, packed and shipped. Then I have the rest of the day to myself until I have to leave to pick up the girls (around 2:30pm). LOVE IT.
Taylor is going into 5th grade this year. Holy shit! When did I become old enough to have a 10 year old??? She's turning into your typical tween, but thankfully she hasn't developed any of those annoying celebrity crushes...YET. I can handle the Jonas Brothers but not Justin Bieber. She went away to Girl Scout Camp this summer, her first time away from home for more than a night. She was pretty nervous about it, didn't want to go but ended up having a great time. She went with a friend from school so she wasn't "alone" and they did a week long horseback riding camp. When I asked if she'd like to go again next summer she said maybe not stay away camp lol.
Emma. Where do I even begin with this child??? She turns 7 this coming Saturday and is pretty excited about it. We've had a rough couple of years with her. She was finally diagnosed this Spring with mild ADHD and we've spent the summer trying to get her on a good dose of medication. She has come a long way, though, from the uncontrollable, angry child she was last Fall. She is a very sweet, loving person and I know all of her stubbornness will serve her well later in life.
Zoe starts Kindergarten this year!!! How did that happen?!?!? She is SO independent, wants so much to do everything her sisters do. So I let her. She's not spoiled, but I figure she's going to end up trying to do everything the others do sooner or later so why not let her at least TRY now? She's a cuddler, loves to sit with you on the couch and snuggle.
We have 2 new additions to the family: Buster the Pug and Oscar the Bearded Dragon.
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