I often talk about my kids here in the crazy world of Facebook and more often than not, I'm complaining about how they are driving me insane. Yes it is true that they don't always get along and there's a lot of fighting and crying and High Drama in the Thompson household on a daily basis and that I often dream of running away with Benedict Cumberbatch or Tom Hiddleston to an undisclosed location far, far away. But I realized that I don't very often sing the praises of my amazing girls and that isn't because I cannot sing but it's because I've become so wrapped up in the shit they do that pisses me off that I forget the great things they do. And I want to share the great things about them with everyone. We stressed out moms who live on 4-5 hours of sleep a night and gallons of coffee a day are often overwhelmed by having more than one child and need to stick together. I'm not justifying my stress but it doesn't help me any when I have a husband who is hardly ever home. I think I've seen him a total of 2 days in the last 2 weeks. So I get to deal with the daily joy of Tween/Teen Girl Drama.
My oldest is Taylor, she just turned 14. She is a sweet girl, sometimes quiet and awkward but with the right people she really opens up and you see who she is…funny, creative, smart. She is a loyal friend, thoughtful, kind, helpful. Taylor is the only kid that looks like me. She has my hazel eyes, my olive skin and my height. She draws and her "anime-style" art is quite fabulous. She will happily draw a Tardis for me if I ask and we share the same sense of humor. She plays the clarinet and is really good and I am thrilled that she wants to continue into high school and be in the marching band. She has learned not to get caught up in the Girl Drama at school and has a great group of friends who are all headed in the right direction to being amazing young women. Taylor loves to boss her sisters around and totally acts as if she hates them and they are the scourge of the Earth. When Emma recently made a visit to the cardiologist for a heart check-up, Taylor asked if Emma would be okay and I could hear the crack in her voice and the concern. When Emma smashed her finger in the car door and there was blood everywhere and her mom almost passed out, Taylor went into action and held her freaked-out sister and reassured her that she would be just fine. She acts like she hates her family but that's all it is…just an act. She is a very loving young woman and it makes me so sad to see her growing up so fast, knowing that her time with me at home grows shorter each day. She will always be my baby.
Emma is the middle child, she is 10 1/2. She is extremely energetic and scatterbrained. The official diagnosis would be ADHD, with mild emphasis on the H lol. She has always been a "I do what I want" kind of child. Fearless and inquisitive. Headstrong and stubborn. She has always been self-conscious of the fact that she learns differently than others in her grade. Always worried that classmates would tease her because she worked with a separate teacher who helped her to focus and channel her energy in positive ways. Now in 5th grade, Emma is coming into her own. She isn't as concerned about what others think. She has a small group of the sweetest friends. Two of them are mellow-going and level-headed and the other is a pistol like herself. They are a fierce group who stick up for each other and really love each other. It does my heart a world of good to listen Emma talk about her friends and the things they do. Emma has a very sensitive heart and when someone is hurting or sad, she will often do things to make that person feel better. She will pack up a friends backpack after school, she will draw a beautiful picture, she will do something for me so that I can have a few minutes of quiet to myself. It's easy to get frustrated with her when she gets into one of her headstrong moods but it's hard not to love her when you realize she is standing her ground and fighting for what she wants. She also plays a mean Hot Cross Buns on trumpet and her band teacher has said she has "great potential." Emma is definitely a mix of my features and my husbands. She has beautiful blue-grey eyes and skin that tans in the summer. I don't normally pick one child over the other but she is a gorgeous young girl and I'm so happy my husband has a shotgun lol.
And last but certainly not least is my youngest, Zoë. She will be 9 in just a couple of months. Zoë is my surprise child, my "oops!" baby. I swear to you I thought I had an ulcer and refused to see a doctor until I got so sick I had no choice. By the time I got around to seeing my OB, I was already 14 weeks along. I was in complete denial throughout my entire pregnancy and was hesitant to look at her when the nurse lifted her up to me but once I held her in my arms I knew she was the best surprise ever. Zoë has always been a happy child, always laughing. She's very much a "go with the flow" kind of kid, happy to do what others are doing. She likes to read and is definitely taking after me in the fact that she loves dragons, loves science, will talk to me about Doctor Who seriously and won't give me shit about the fact that yes, I am watching Star Trek or The Hobbit for the 400th time. Zoë is an animal lover and has said she might like to be a veterinarian when she grows up. She is a snuggle-bunny and a hand-holder who just wants to be cozy with me or her dad. She's a hard worker at school once pointed in the right direction. She writes awesome stories about dragons and can draw beautiful ones too. Zoë also loves dinosaurs. Like her sisters, she also has a very sensitive heart and will burst into tears if she thinks you are criticizing her about anything. This girl will catch frogs with her bare hands and carry them around until the frog makes its escape. She loves fishing and doesn't have issues with removing the hook from the mouth of the fish she has just caught (as long as it's a barbless hook). She loves playing with the boys in her class because she says they are more interesting and like to do stuff whereas the girls mostly stand around and talk during recess and she isn't interested in that. Miss Zoë looks nothing like me. She is all Irish-Scottish with her porcelain skin and gorgeous blue eyes. You would never know that she has any Asian blood in her lol.
I absolutely love my girls. I feel horrible that I actually need to be reminded about how amazing they are.